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About Ang Sahodaya

Members of Ang Sahodaya represented by the Head of the School is called General Body

General Body is the supreme authority of the Sahodaya. It shall formulate, amend its bye-laws, elect its office bearers, pass annual Budget of the Sahodaya, and ratify the resolutions passed in last General Body meeting. The General Body shall sit quarterly and in case of Emergency it can be convened at any time with telephonic information. The management of the Sahodaya and all its affairs shall be vested with the General Body.

It shall exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things which are essential to attain the aims and objectives of the Sahodaya.

  • The General Body shall accept new members and remove members who ceased to be the member as per clause 5(five) of the Bye-laws.
  • To prepare the annual Budget for the Sahodaya.
  • To raise, maintain and invest funds in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Sahodaya.
  • To approve the expenditure of the Sahodaya from time to time.
  • To purchase assets for the Sahodaya.
  • To amend the bye-laws of the Sahodaya.
  • To frame different rules and regulations for its smooth functioning.
  • To fix the dates of different General Body Meeting.
  • To appoint qualified auditor and get its accounts audited.
  • And to do all such acts or things which are essential for attaining the aims and objectives of the Sahodaya as decided from time to time.
  • Appoint staffs (employees) salaried or honorary to carry out day – to – day administration and implementation of its aims and objectives.

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Our Vision & Mission

Vision of ANG SAHODAYA : To bring all the CBSE schools on a common platform and develop a common understanding among the schools while keeping pace with current education scenario and strengthen the universal values of inclusion, tolerance, empathy and religious harmony.

Mission: To achieve quality benchmark in school education, widen skills and educational research, to organize empowerment programs to improve the professional competency of teachers, encourage healthy interaction and mutual appreciation with opportunities for students to work with each other and to raise a winning network of schools and to create mutual and enduring value.